
Friday, August 6, 2010

Mehi's Recount - Jungle Drums

On Thursday afternoon we went inside our school hall. It was a secret but I found out it! We got to have jungle drums. When Room 8 and I got there, the walls were shaking and it was very noisy. Later I went inside and there was lots of drums in order. I sat down and there was a drum in front of me. I was drumming to the beat. It was FUN! Next minute Johnny did funny actions. I couldn't stop laughing! I felt exhausted. Johnny was shaking his bottom to Chewie and Lucy and we were laughing. Then Johnny represented his group and said "Actions speak louder than words."


RKELLY said...

It was a lot of fun! I wonder what "Actions speak louder than words" means?

Ms Hansell said...

You have really shown us what fun the concert was Mehi - I saw you "laugh and laugh" and you were very cute to watch with your drum.

Miss Hansell (Room 8) said...

It sounds like it was a lot of fun! I wish I had been there to watch you all drum and laugh! :)

From Miss Hansell

destiny said...

great story you got Mehi.