
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wrybills at Risk - Information Report by Darwin and Sam

Did you know that the eggs laid by wrybills look like stones? If the eggs get too hot in the sun, they will cook.

Wrybills eat larvae found under stones. Did you know they find and eat insects using their beaks?

They live in the south island of New Zeal
and. They can be found in wide, strong river beds.

Wrybills have white, grey and black feathers. Wrybill eggs look like stones and become camoflaged in the riverbeds. When they hatch, wrybills look like fluffy chicks.

Are you aware wrybill beaks are bent to the right?

By Darwin and Sam


Miss Hansell (Room 8) said...

Wow! I am so proud of your work Darwin and Sam. I can tell that you really understood the information in the journal article about wrybills.

From Miss Hansell (Room 8)

Anonymous said...

That really hooked me sam and darwin.It was interestinon.

RKELLY said...

These birds are very clever to be able to have camouflaged eggs. I know know a lot about these birds and I didn't even know they existed before I read these reports!

Frances S. said...

If you ever visit Christchurch you can see wrybill on the Waimakariri River during the breeding season or out at Lake Ellesmere after the breeding season. Most of them migrate to the Firth of Thames during winter. They also live in the upper Rangitata River near where some of the Lord of the Rings was filmed.

Room 8 said...

Thank you Frances S. for writing your comment to us. It taught us some extra information about wrybills.

Love Room 8 (Darwin and Sam's class)

Writer's Wall said...

Great work Sam and Darwin! I was amazed at how much the Wrybill's eggs looked like the stones. Luckily there are signs by the river to tell people to walk carefully as the eggs are so hard to see. Please ask Miss Hansell to email me a copy for our exemplar folder.

Mrs Anderson

Anonymous said...

Great work to Tamaki Primary & Sam & Darwin thanks for giving me information about Ngutu Parore those are one of mt favourite birds that I like apart from the acient vulture